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    Partnership in research and consultancy
  • Frag Research Associate
    Partnership in research and consultancy


Partnership in research and consultancy

Social economic research in partnership and collaboration with both local and international institutions


About Us


FRAG Associates Is a Malawian research consulting firm founded and registered in 2022 with the registrar of business name. Certificate BRN-BJT38L6). MRA tax payer identification number MRA/TIN/ZOM/00156393 with a valid public procurement and disposal of assert authority (PDDDA) certificate number xxxxxxxx. The firm specialized in development consulting (service provision) including policy analysis, proposal development, projects management, baseline, projects reviews and evaluation and specialized assessments in the fields of agriculture and rural developments, , environment and natural resources management, climate change, human rights and governance ,disaster risk management, social and community development.

The team has 115 years experience in research and evaluation. We have worked on projects commisioned by verious academics and developmental institutions.(World bank, Care Malawi,UNICEF,Save the Children Funds, University of Malawi, Malawi Government,Emmanuel International,World food programme , European Union etc

Frag Research Associate also follow various policies to ensure the integrity , transparency and respect for participants:

Research Ethics Policy: Ensuring studies are conducted with integridy ,transparency, and respect for participants

Human Resource: At FRAG, we believe that each team member contributes directly to the growth and success of the organisation. FRAG complies with the labour laws regulations of Malawi. We believe that pleasant relationships working conditions, career developments leaving, exposure promotion opportunities and health benefits, among other things, are important for staff welfare

Procurement Policy: FRAG as has a procurement committee in place. This committee comprises managent at and staff. The committee looks into procurement issues in relation to supplier equipment and staffing.

Brief Recruitment Policy: By the following human resource management manual FRAG make sure that the following are taken into account:
• Fairness and transparency
• Merit-based selection
• Equal employment opportunities

Risk Management Policy: As a research organisation FRAG believe in value the importance of risk management. These include Monitoring and Evaluation at every stage of project implementation we believe in transparency and accountability of efforts. As part of risk management we forecasted and evaluate potential risk. We also seriously look into issue of fabrication and falsification of data and results.

Health and Safety Policy: We have procedures and regulation for preventing accidents and injuries at the work place as well as public place.

Whistleblowing Policy: FRAG as an enabling environment and procedures that enable staff to report wrong doing without being penalized.

Environmental Policy: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Travel Policy: All official travel requires prior approval of management. This approval signifies that the travel is covered within the current department/project budget and that the travel is necessary to accomplish the organisation objectives. The organisation does not guarantee reimbursement of expenses for travel taken without prior approval.


Joint Emergency Food Assistance Programme (JEFAP) funded by World Food Programme

Monitoring and Evaluation
Emmanuel international


Malawi School Improvement Plan (MESIP) project funded by the World Bank

Research coordinator
Wadonda consult LTD



Our mission is to offer excellent consultancy services and conduct high quality research in supporting the economic research and social development in local and international

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